Monday, September 30, 2019

Tactical Leadership vs Organizational Leadership

Tactical Leadership vs Organizational Leadership Walter Trotter United States Army Sergeant Major Academy Class 63 SGM Stephens/MS Walker August 19, 2012 Tactical Leadership VS Organizational Leadership There are certain things that you need to know as a leader, I will explain some of the differences facts and opinions about tactical leadership verse organization leadership. Leadership is not just a word or act that is use only in the military, every organization in the world has some type of leadership structure from the small business to the biggest cooperation leadership plays an important roles.I will discuss some of the similarities between the tactical and organizational leadership as it relates to the Army. When we think of leadership in the Army we automatic think of the process of influencing soldiers to accomplish a mission by providing directions, purpose and motivation, but when dealing with tactical or organizational leadership a leader has to think about a different rol e and take into account the time frame and how they are going to influence their soldiers.Even thought there are several different types’ leadership the main goal is always going to be the same, and that is to get the mission done and try to improve upon the unit and its capabilities. We all know how the Army defines leadership but there are other things we have to take into account, like a bad decision can cause soldiers their lives. I do believe that tactical and organizational leadership are the same in some ways but depending on the role can be different. Tactical Leadership First, let’s talk about the tactical side.As we know there are three aspects in this process, the leadership role, the time frame and the leaders influence. One of the first things is that in order to be affective you have to be in front of your soldiers, you must have your subordinates trust, you must have a level of tactical and technical knowledge that is unmatched by anyone around you and h ave a wiliness to help and support your soldiers or they will not follow you. On the tactical side a leader has to lead, support develop and take responsible for his soldiers in order to accomplish his/her mission.As an effective leader one has to be especially close to their subordinates in order to provide them with the necessary purpose, direction and motivation to complete their assigned task. The tactical level is usually found at the company or platoon level, this leader is always looking to accomplish the short term goals in support of the long term mission. Tactical leaders must know how to solve problems quickly and without hesitation, they have more direct influence over soldiers because they are in the trenches with them.At this stage the leader has to council, correct and led their soldiers through the direct approach of leadership. Organization leadership This leadership style is where the leader actually has to plan and synchronize training in order that the small unit s are able to produce the tactical into the operational action. At the organization level a leader is not in a traditional leadership position when they are directly in charge of soldiers. Leaders in this style are the one whom establish section that develop plans and create orders.When a result is achieved at this level the entire team is responsibility for the outcome. Organizational leaders make decision that affect the long term goal and helps plan the short term mission for their subordinate units. The tactical and organization leadership styles have some very different level of leadership but the one thing that will never change between the two especially in the Army is the fact that you must have a good set of standard to follow, have good values and skill sets to save lives. Reference FM 6-22. (2006). U. S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fantastic Voyage

Everyone board the mini-sub! Lora has a bacterium that is invading the lower lobe of her right lung. We must go now! We must destroy this bacterium before it makes her sick! We cannot let that happen her Lora. As of right now, we are entering the right femoral vein, close to the groin. The right femoral vein is parallel with the femoral artery through the upper thigh and pelvic region. It is one of the larger veins in the body. The femoral vein returns blood into the leg to the heart through the iliac vein. The right femoral vein comes from the abdomen. This vein collects blood from many veins in the body such as the hepatic, lumbar, gonadal, renal, and phrenic. We then go through the inguinal ligament. The inguinal ligament protects the tissue movement between the trunk and the lower extremities (Sajmay, 2013). It then continues as the right external iliac which comes together to the inferior vena cava, also known as the posterior vena cava. It is a vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart. From there, the inferior vena cava leads to the right atrium of the heart. The right atrium is only one of the four hollow chambers of the heart. It receives blood from the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. The blood that comes through these veins is low in oxygen (â€Å"Right Atrium†, n. d. ). After passing through the right atrium, we pass through the right atrioventricular (AV) valve, also called the tricuspid valve, and then we shall go through the right ventricle, lower right-hand chamber of the heart that pumps blood from the right atrium into the pulmonary arteries then to the lungs, to the pulmonary valve, or the pulmonary semilunar valve. The valves of the pulmonary semilunar valve opens when the right ventricle contracts. When the muscles relax, blood goes to the pulmonary trunk which then the valve closes to prevent the blood from returning to the right ventricle (â€Å"Right Atrium†, n. d. ). Before we go through the pulmonary semilunar valve, the wall right here is the interventricular septum. It separates the lower chambers, or the ventricles, of the heart. After that, we will go through the pulmonary trunk to get to the right pulmonary artery which sends blood from the heart to the lungs. The right pulmonary artery carries de-oxygenated blood to the right lung, into all 3 of the lobes. The pulmonary trunk divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. The right pulmonary artery curves to the right, behind the aorta, and divides into two branches at the root of the right lung (Mosby, 2009). Now that we are in the right lung, we must go to the lower lobe. In the right lung, there are three lobes, the superior, middle, and inferior. It is divided into three lobes by two interlobular fissures, transverse fissure and oblique fissure (Taylor, n. d. ). The superior and middle lobe are separated by a transverse fissure and the middle and inferior lobe are separated by an oblique fissure (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. d. ). The left lung and right lung are not the same though. As you see, the right lung has only three lobes, as the left lung has two. They are different in size as the left lung is smaller than the right. The reasoning for this is because your hearts sets in between the lungs so the heart uses some of the space that your left lung is (Taylor, n. d. ). The function of the lungs is pulmonary ventilation, or breathing. Air is inhaled through your nostrils which pass through your trachea and enters the bronchi. Bronchi are two tubes that carry air to the lungs. Bronchioles are smaller branches of bronchi that split off (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. . ). Bronchioles divide into even smaller structures to form respiratory bronchioles which lead to the alveolar ducts. Then there are air sacs called alveoli. They are the basic functional units of lungs and have simple squamous epithelial cells. Alveoli cover about 60-70m. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide from the bloodstream by microscopic structures of the lungs called alveoli. Pl eura protects the lungs with a fluid cushioning system (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. d. ). Pleura are a membrane that lines the lung and the wall of the chest cavity. The fluid serves as a lubricant to allow for a smooth movement of the lungs within the chest cavity (Fayed, 2010). Pleura are a place for the development of mesothelioma (Fayed, 2010). Your body fights bacteria by using our immune system. Everyone has an immune system, whether it is a high or low immune system. There are two types of immunity, nonspecific and specific. Nonspecific immunity allows protection against a variety of things rather than protection from certain kinds of bad or invading cells or chemicals (Thibodeau & Patton, n. d. ). There are many types of nonspecific immune defenses in your body. Skin and mucous membranes are nonspecific mechanical barriers that do not allow bacteria and other substances into the body. Tears and mucus are also nonspecific immunity (Thibodeau & Patton, n. d. ). Phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells, or WBCs, is a nonspecific form of immunity. Changes in heat, redness, pain and swelling help phagocytic WBCs get to the area of the infection and enter the affected tissue. Specific immunity protects against certain types of invading bacteria or other toxic materials that enter the body or affect the body in a harmful way. The respiratory system filters, warms and humidifies the air we breathe which keeps some bacteria out of our bodies so it does not make us sick or ill. When the germs of pneumonia reach the lungs, the alveoli inflame and fill up with fluid and pus. When someone has pneumonia, oxygen has trouble reaching your blood. When only a little bit of oxygen gets in your blood, body cells do not work correctly. Lobar pneumonia affects a lobe of the lung. It can affect one or both, the right or left. Bronchial pneumonia or bronchopneumonia affects parts of both lungs (â€Å"Understanding Pneumonia†, n. d. ). When toxins enter blood, they mess up your body’s homeostasis. The body notices then gets rid of the toxins by using the urinary system. To get rid of it, the person urinates and the toxins and other nasty things in the blood come out which restores homeostasis to the normal body functions. Now take that infection. How does that penicillin work for you? It is gone and it will not be coming back. If it does, it will not be as bad if it were to infect her. Thank you everyone for helping me save Lora from getting sick. Hope you enjoyed the voyage. I sure did. I hope you learned something from this and enjoyed the experience.References (2010), Structure of the Lungs. Tutor Vista. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (2013, 01). Path. Retrieved 01, 2013, from (2013, 04). Fantasy Voyage from Femoral Vein to Right Lobe of the Lung. Retrieved 04, 2013, from (n.d.). Homeostasis Examples. Your Dictionary Examples. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (n.d.). Interventricular System. Inner Body. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (n.d.). Understanding Pneumonia. American Lung Association. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Fayed, L. (November 9, 2010), Pleura. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Myers, T. (2009) Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 8th Edition. Elsevier. Sajmay (April 2013), Study Mode. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Taylor, R. (n.d.), Why Does the Right Lung Have 3 Lobes and the Left 2?. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From http://www. Thibodeau, G. A./ Patton K. (2008) Structure & Function of the Body. Elsevier. Vallumsetla, N. (Nov. 25, 2010), Ask Doctor Free. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britt's â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barry's † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both author's examine just complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods. Barry and Britt share many similarities in their literary elements.Literary elements are symbols and allusions. An allusion is usually used to refer to a person, place or thing that is common knowledge, it may point to a famous event, a familiar saying or a well-known story or song (734). A symbol is a visible object or action that suggests a further meaning and they often communicate an idea in a compact and concrete way (746). They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii say ing that â€Å"men generally don't notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). This enhances his story with suspense. Likewise Britt refers to The NewYorker by saying that â€Å"someday the sloppy people will sit down and read all the back issues of the magazine† because they are intelligent.A neat person she goes on to say: â€Å"would hurry up and get the whole thing over with so they can sit down and watch some good ole ‘rasslin' on TV† (256). Which, is something an unintelligent person would be found watching. As far as symbols (things that have a much bigger meaning behind it) goes Barry goes on to say â€Å"that the women prattled away about human relationships or something it turned out to be an extremely pivotal game† (263). When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous and relatable, it's kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle while reading. In contrast, both authors use a very different tone towards the people they discuss in their essays. Let's take Britt for example she comes off a little harsh, stereotypical, and extremely sarcastic towards neat people.She goes on to say that â€Å"Neat people are bums and clods at heat† (256), which ca n be very offensive to people who consider themselves to be neat, because that one person feels that their neatness is nothing but them being bums which may not be true. Then when Britt talks about the sloppy people it's like she's for them being the way they are, Britt went on to say â€Å"sloppy people aren't really as sloppy as they seem† (255). On the other hand, Barry is a lot more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesn't take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britt's thesis was a bit vague; having little or let's say no detail at all. Britt states that â€Å"the distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sl oppy people†(255). She never gives detail on that point of why exactly they are considered meaner and lazier than others.Britt leaves her audience trying to figure out where she's going with that assumption of neat people. However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barry's thesis he gives the reader a reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid ba ck feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going. In addition to the many things Britt and Barry differ on, they also use a different organization strategy. Britt uses subject by subject organization. When using subject by subject you set forth all your facts about one thing then do the same for the other. Then you some up the similarities and differences between the two (248).Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the matter point by point. Point by point is when you compare and contrast as you go, that way you consider one point at a time, taking up your two subjects alternately (249).Like when Barry stated that â€Å"The primary difference between men and women, was that women can see small quantities of dirt and men can't† he brought both subjects up and explained them both, balancing what he was talking about in his essay. In short, it can be concluded that in Suzanne Britt's â€Å"Neat people Vs. Sloppy people† and Dave Barry's â€Å"Batting Clean-Up and striking Out† they examine just how complicated human relationships can be considering how many types of personalities Re out. Although, they share similar points they differ greatly in how they go about doing

Friday, September 27, 2019

BPPG - Individual Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BPPG - Individual Reflection - Assignment Example This understanding has impacted the value I bring to my role at work. This is because it has created an edge for me to put the right thing where it belongs by only selecting the right data resources and striving for their continuity with the organization. From the content of the course, I have developed a new thinking of the way business information systems are managed in the organization. Generally, there is now a new conceptualization that have been developed that in the use of business information systems, the output determines the input. This means that the level of commitment that is taken to having the right data resources in place will determine how useful the overall outcome of information systems would be (Parker, 2012). Because of this, my goals for the future have been shaped on the need to developing thorough research before placing priorities for the organization’s information systems. I have also developed new goals that focus on the need securing the information system so as to ensure continuity. Back-up in information systems is one way of ensuring safety with the handling of data so as to avoid the possible loss of data (Currier, 2010). This is because while using information systems, there are tendencies of experiencing system crash, theft or breakdown that can result in losing hardware and software. This also happens in everyday use of data such as class files and notes. My back-up plan is a 3-tier approach that stores data on three major levels. The first level is a primary level, whereby I will store data on a pen drive or external hard drive. The second is to store the same data on another computer that is updated on a periodic basis. This will be the secondary level, and the tertiary level will require using cloud storage, where data will be stored via a cloud system. My specific goal for professional and personal development is to improve the security of all data available to me at the organization level. This means

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sexuality Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sexuality - Term Paper Example Biology, culture and ecology influences various aspects of sexuality and intimacy in the Aka and Ngandu communities of central Africa; for instance, human beings have inborn tendencies to feel sexual desire, thus, an unconscious drive to reproduce, and to sustain the survival of their species (Hewlett Bonnie and Hewlett Barry 46). In this respect, both men and women in the Aka and Ngandu communities are biologically predisposed to express sexuality and intimate relations like all other species; culturally, the two communities idea of sexuality and intimate relations is the ability to procreate and to sustain the communities through the birth of new babies. In this respect, both men and women in Aka and Ngandu communities play specific gender roles that have been pre-determined by their sexuality; because the essence of sexuality and intimacy is to create children, men, and women couple up for procreation, and sex is not for pleasure but a night work in search of babies. However, Aka wife-husband relations are more intimate, close, giving, unlike the case for Ngandu (Hewlett Bonnie and Hewlett Barry 52); Aka husband and wife stick together in many net subsistence activities such as hunting, and fathers provide regular childcare. Whereas Aka men and women express affection by working together in close proximity, Ngandu women consider gifts from their husbands as a sign of affection and the men, the respect of their authority. Q2 There has been evidence of progressively changing attitudes towards acceptance of homosexuality in the Canadian society, with the pervasiveness of this sexual behavior in the country. In Canada, the proportion of people who support homosexuality has grown rapidly in recent years by at least ten points since 2007, especially because religion is not central in people’s lives; currently, about 80 percent of Canadians are tolerant to homosexuality compared to about 70% back in 2007. Unlike in Canada, where society is more tolerant towards homosexuality, the Aka and Ngandu communities have very negative attitudes towards this sexual practice and they remain strongly opposed to the practice. In Aka and Ngandu communities, sexuality is defined by very strict and rigid socio-cultural norms, which enforce the appropriate sexual behavior among individuals; the primary role of intimate relationships is procreation, thus, acceptable unions are those that can fulfill this societal expecta tion. However, the Canadian society is more tolerant to homosexuality, particularly because of value changes, and the collapse of conventional family structures; Canadian courts began to legalize same sex marriages back in 2003 (Matthews 841). Q3 According to MacIntosh, Reissing and Andruff (79), the removal of homosexuality from Canada’s criminal code in 1969 was a significant change in the advancement of equal rights and protection of all citizens; in 1996, discrimination of people on the basis of their

Explain how you would apply the law to handle this situation Essay

Explain how you would apply the law to handle this situation - Essay Example Such discriminations fall under the law title â€Å"Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974† which deals with prohibition of discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion and national origin. It is located in volume 42 of the United States Code from section 2000e (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008). In the scenario, the three candidates were all qualified to handle the position of assistant manager but only one got the position. There were two women and one man and the man got the job. Filing of a sex discrimination charge is not really viable the female who were two were the majority sex and the man who was the minority sex was the one who was picked for the position. The sex-based discrimination definition from the EEOC indicates that it involves treating someone unfavorably because of that person’s sex but this was not the case in the scenario. Section 2000e-1 [Section 702] (m) under the subtitle of â€Å"impermissible consideration of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in employment practices (Cihon & Castagnera, 2008)† explains that any claim of unlawful employment practice such as the one made by the two women interviewees who are the complaining parties have to demonstrate the discrimination they claim was the motivating factor for the interview results. This is carried out in order to rule out other motivating factors that may have led to the interview outcome. The two women have to provide evidence that the third candidate who was a man and who got offered the job was given to it purely because he was a man and he was white. According to the scenario, he was simply offered the job because he played golf with the manager and was his friend but not because of his race or national origin as the discrimination charges indicate. Further, the company can justify the employment of the man as an assistant manager using Section 2000e-1 [Section 702] (h) of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Th Scond Globl Shft s Rloctng Clustrs n th Fnncl Industry n Europ Term Paper

Th Scond Globl Shft s Rloctng Clustrs n th Fnncl Industry n Europ - Term Paper Example ent economically and politically reigning over the world, but the rapidly emerging economic power of China and Japan is also an undeniable fact; which is the precursor of the second global shift. An emergence of competitors in the shape of China and Japan is adversely affecting the economic power of the USA. The resurgence of Asia especially East Asia is undoubtedly, the most significant global shift in the geography of the world economy during the past 40 years. (Dicken, 2007, p. 43) Another very important fact is the complex geography of the product manufacturing process. â€Å"In other words, economic activity is becoming ‘deterritorialized’ or ‘disembedded’.† (Dicken, 2007, p. 18). For example, open boarders today allow some parts of the product being made in one country and it’s assembling being done in another. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the influence of the second global shift on the financial service industry, particularly the European financial services. Moreover, we will examine how this global shift will change the structure of financial groups in Europe. The first global shift is the period of time when economic and political power was shifted from Britain and some European countries to the United States. This shift started occurring after the Second World War when United States appeared as a supreme economic and political power. After 1945 the world was dominated by two blocks i.e. the United States with its allies and the Soviet Union with its allies. This division was not only confined to economic differences but to socio-political differences as well. This is when the silent strain between the capitalist and the communist world began. â€Å"Hence, the world economic system that emerged after 1945 was, in many ways, a new beginning. It reflected both the new political realities of the post-war period – particularly the sharp division between East and West _ and also the harsh economic and social experiences of the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Performance Reviews (Human Resource Management) Essay

Performance Reviews (Human Resource Management) - Essay Example She at one point disputed some of my achievements on the basis that she did not believe I was capable of that since my background was miserable. However, much I tried to display my competence during the review, the supervisor was not impressed. I realized that her motive was to instil the anger in me and evoke a negative response so as she could get a chance to get me down. I tried to play calm all through the review, answering only the questions that were not personal. However, I was utterly discouraged when she indicated on my report that I was uncooperative in the review. Although I forwarded my grievances to the superiors in the organization and was given a consideration, I still feel offended by the actions of the supervisor and it is my feeling that such people should not be allowed to conduct reviews. Moreover, even with shortages of staff performance reviews should not be based on a single person review as this increases the risk of

Monday, September 23, 2019


DETERMINING YOUR PERFECT POSITION - Research Paper Example an therefore learn to be an effective leader by understanding the different approaches to leadership so as to apply the best approach in a given situation. There are a number of leadership theories which provide an understanding into the subject of leadership and enabling people to become better leaders. According to the trait theories, it is realized that effective leaders usually share a number of characteristics which enable them to lead effectively. These personality traits are innate qualities such as integrity, empathy and likability. Indeed, such qualities are very useful in the context of leadership. However, there is no combination of traits which can make somebody a better leader. In this regard, leaders are normally expected to use these traits and characteristics in addressing different situations. The traits will usually demonstrate our external behaviors. As a leader in an organization that is restructuring, I would ensure that I apply the core traits of integrity, empathy and assertiveness in addressing the challenges in the organization. I would emphasize on emotional stability in all situations while ensuring effective communication with my workers. More importantly, I would always be ready to admit mistakes and errors as opposed to focusing on covering them. This would go a long way in creating an important link with the employees. Behavioral theories focus largely on the conduct and behaviors of leaders. For instance, as a leader, it is not proper to just dictate what is to be done and then expect a smooth cooperation within the organization. In the same way, the importance and applicability of group of individual decision making must be well understood. In this respect, there are three classes of leaders: autocratic, democratic and laissez faire leaders. Autocratic leaders usually make individual decisions without consulting their team. Such leadership is appropriate in situations where quick decisions need to be made (Raatma, 2003). On the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Electronic Health Records Essay Example for Free

Electronic Health Records Essay Introduction Electronic health records (also known as ‘e-notes’) have commonly replaced the conventional paper records used in medical facilities. This discussion describes how electronic health records have provided a solution to a range of health care procedures, have offered cost savings and benefits, and still have greater potential for improvement through future efforts. Overall, this discussion documents the progress and demands for further convenience in regards to electronic health records, presenting concepts, statistics, and recent analyses published by authorities on the topic. Through this, it is evident that electronic health notes still have shortcomings that are commonly noted and targeted, but as they have solved many more problems inherent in previous systems, they are the ideal path for development and improvement in this area. Electronic Health Records Since the development of electronic health records, healthcare managers have been able to reach numerous solutions to previous problems in their systems; this has included improved capacities to record and store the clinical and demographic information patients, the capacity to observe or manage the results of laboratory tests, the capacity to give prescriptions, improved ease of managing billing data, and improved facilitation of analysis for clinical decisions. These improvements reveal the nature of challenges and demands relevant to operations using the previous form of records (paper), with electronic health records being substantially more organized, convenient, and manageable. According to Al-Ubaydli (70), the use of paper records â€Å"had several implications. On the one hand, writing on paper fast and easy, so it fits well with clinical workflow. On the other hand, notes are only useful to the person who reads them, no to the one who writes them. When writing, speed and brevity are essential as there are always more patients to visit and care for. But for the reader, speed means illegible handwriting and brevity means incomplete notes. This leads clinicians to ask patients questions to which the answers already exist in the notes† (Al-Ubaydli 70). Moreover, as the author pointed out, paper is more difficult to transfer or copy, leading to it ultimately becoming easiest to keep the records confined to one central place. With this, they cannot move as easily as the patient, and the chore of copying tended to result in the patients being without a complete set of easily accessible records. Meanwhile, there are substantial space and cost requirements associated with storing paper records. The development of computer hardware, software, and improved data storage techniques eventually led to the development of efficient and effective software capable of storing patient data in secure databases, further allowing all data to be stored in a size-efficient manner that could also be easily transmitted. With the development of the internet, patient files could even be stored and transmitted online, providing an ideal backup for databases while improving the capacity for patients to have complete record sets sent to a range of facilities. The general motivation for creating these electronic health records was to address the problems inherent in the paper records, with the most convenient aspect being the cost-effective nature of storage and transmission; the nature of this being a virtually free cost and nearly instantaneous transmission made the desire and changes especially significant. Moreover, electronic health records would allow users to improve the capacity for users to index, sort, and search through records faster than the time demanded to sort through the paper files manually (Al-Ubaydli 70). An additional benefit is the reduced potential for illegible notes, as the nature of the systems means that all data is entered in using clear computerized text characters. As mentioned, similar to the nature of demands and problems evident in the paper records, there are now demands for improving aspects of the electronic records. However, these problems can be addressed through improved organization, software, and other means that does not demand a drastic change in mediums, as was required to address the problems of the paper records. Al-Ubaydli (71) reported that electronic health records â€Å"must include checks and balances to audit and control access. Second, the user interfaces for adding to the records must become easier to that they fit better into clinical workflow and allow clinicians to do more in less time. Speech recognition continues to improve, and the designers of templates continue to innovate.† The author further points out that similar to the improved search engines of the internet (first challenging and then drastically improved with developments like Google), electronic health records can be similarly improved without restructuring comparable to restructuring paper records. Other researchers have analyzed the nature of electronic health records, further elaborating on the nature of solutions and remaining demands. DeVoe et al. (351) pointed out that the clear and detailed recording of all received and recommended services should be considered the most vital aspect of health records, which is most effectively addressed through electronic records rather than paper records. This further assists with insurance aspects, as the detailed and accurate aspects of recording services can improve coordination with claims and related demands. DeVoe et al. (352) further asserted that electronic health records have the potential to assist researchers and policy makers with overcoming prior restrictions in examining services provided in CHCs. Meanwhile, Hoffman and Podgurski (425) reported on the growth of health care and pharmaceutical costs, frequency of unnecessary medical procedures, evoked healthcare reforms, and critical roles of records in all of these processes. With this, comparative effectiveness research (CER) has commonly been coupled with electronic health records to show that many expensive procedures have had less desirable outcomes for comparable conditions that less expensive ones, pointing out the nature of some health care facilities and physicians. Meanwhile, however, some have argued that CER is likely to lead to limited patient choices, improper rationing of health care, homogenized care, and potentially refusal of needed treatments (Hoffman and Podgurski 425). Congress allocated $1.1 billion to CER through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, which included other aspects of improving and restructuring facilities. Soon it became evident that a unique application of CER could allow physicians to improve their decisions regarding treatment, as when coupled with electronic health records, physicians could conduct computer inquiries across a large database of patient records. Naturally, this would provide a valuable supplement to the patient’s history and literature. Hoffman and Podgurski (425) recommended that software be designed to summarize findings of queries by presenting the most relevant outcomes of patients with the most comparable conditions, while records be developed and stored in a manner which facilitates this. Thus, personalized comparison of treatment effectiveness or PCTE could become a phrase more common than CER in the future. Conclusion Electronic health care records have solved many of the problems that could not be effectively addressed through developments in the paper systems, with major improvements in the capacity to copy and transfer records, cost of storage, and clarity of information. Although this has led to implications for security and excessive copying, databases have been developed to improve the concerns in these areas. Moreover, researchers have proposed additional improvements in development as well as use, with records having the potential to serve as an informal accessible databank, thereby improving understanding and decision making. Works Cited Al-Ubaydli, Mohammad. Personal Health Records: A Guide for Clinicians. John Wiley Sons: New York, NY, 2011. DeVoe, Jennifer, Rachel Gold, Patti McIntire, Jon Puro, and Susan Chauvie. â€Å"Electronic Health Records vs Medicaid Claims: Completeness of Diabetes Preventive Care Data in Community Health Centers.† Annals of Family Medicine 9.4 (2011): 351-358. Hoffman, Sharona and Andy Podgurski. â€Å"Improving Health Care Outcomes through Personalized Comparisons of Treatment Effectiveness Based on Electronic Health Records.† Journal of Law, Medicine Ethics 39.3 (2011): 425-436.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Influencer Marketing On Twitter Marketing Essay

Influencer Marketing On Twitter Marketing Essay Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ have knowledgeable unprecedented growth over the last few years and are some of the most talked about destinations on the web. Social media offers an opportunity to connect and interact with your customers, analysis about your product, promote your brand and drive traffic to your website. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. This form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns. Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions. Keywords: Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Web Analytics, Online Business, Web Branding, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Youtube What are the major social media sites? Many online services now have a social element, the five most important social media sites for businesses are: Facebook. Social network available in 70 languages with over 800 million members worldwide, and more than 425 million monthly active users logging in with mobile smart phones. Twitter. Micro blogging site where users post frequent 60 character messages with over 1 billion tweets sent a week. Google+. Social network launched in 2011, attracting 25 million members in its first month! Linkedin. Business focused networking site with over 8 million members in the UK, and 2 million companies profiles worldwide. Youtube. Video sharing site owned by Google, with 8 million unique visitors each month and 100 million people taking a social action (likes, shares, comments etc) every week. SOCIAL MARKETER FACEBOOK There are more than 800 million people using Facebook every day. This platform offers more than just a way to stay connected to friends and family; it is an essential tool in the B2B marketing toolbox. Facebook allows your business to be available to people on a trusted, popular platform, where prospects can see real people (their friends, family or colleagues) interacting with you and your brand. This sets the stage for you to build stronger, more immediate relationships with them. Facebook Pages can help your company build awareness, share interest, create loyalty, strengthen marketing, and promote peer-to-peer sharing. For that first split the elements of a Facebook page-and how you can take advantage of them: How to See and Be Seen An interaction can be defined as a summary of Likes, posts, or comments about the page. To show up in as many users top newsfeeds as possible, your content must be brand new, attractive, current and convincing. Then it becomes a cycle; you post content that gets Likes and comments, and your future content appears in the newsfeeds of those that Liked and commented on earlier content. Dont forget: as prospects interact with you through Likes, reposts, or shares, you should be tracking engagement. Facebook Groups The Group feature is useful for demonstrating your companys passion for a topic, and gathers like-minded people to share ideas. The best part is that the more people join your group, the more it gets promoted to their friends and networks, growing the groups popularity and growth. Creating a Facebook Group is a great way for businesses to create awareness, increase inbound links and promote loyalty. Facebook Lists Facebook launched this feature in response to Google+s circles, so it functions in a very similar way. You can subscribe to and organize lists for different topics or influencers you want to follow. As an example, you might have a list for Social Media Influencers and another list for competitors. Through lists you can easily view and post to select groups or a company, which makes it easier for you to monitor and engage. Facebook Promoted Posts Promoted posts show up in the newsfeed of all your fans and are visible to their friends as well. It becomes a sponsored story that is seen by more people than a regular post, so be sure that when you do choose to promote a post, it is strong, recent and gripping. It is pretty safe to say that businesses will never be able to compete with posts that are strictly entertainment-based or for social purposes only. But by using this promoted post feature, you can call attention to posts that you believe will generate the most impact. Facebook Ads While your Facebook ads need to appeal to your audience, think exterior the box. Use eye catching pictures and gripping language. Remember: youre competing for attention in a noisy environment. Facebook Apps Before the timeline changes took place, you could capture Likes via your welcome page by gating your content and encouraging users to Like your page for access to this exclusive content. This has gone away with timeline. Now Facebook gives you the option to feature up to twelve apps. Four of these apps are shown by default, with the remaining apps under the fold and only visible by clicking and expanding the tab on the right. Allowing you to change the apps appearing above the fold is one of the most interactive and engaging portions of the timeline and your best chance to showcase a call to action or offer that will convert. Consider the image a small advertisement rather than an image. SOCIAL MARKETER TWITTER In 2007, Twitter began as what many considered to be a flash-in-the-pan social media outlet, but as of 2011, Twitter had over 200million registered users and is one of the 10 most popular sites on the Internet anything but a passing phase. Companies that lack a strategic, lead-generating plan of attack for their Twitter accounts are losing out on access to a huge potential customer base and the opportunity to showcase themselves as social confidence, relevant businesses. Being followed on Twitter is an incredibly strong signal of online attraction for your business. Think of Twitter as the water cooler for B2B marketers: its energetic community where businesses can prospect leads and assemble as thought leaders to discuss relevant industry topics. B2B marketers are always striving to provide good content in an easily digestible and timely format. On Twitter, it is easy to quickly compose Tweets and messages aimed at those interested in your company or product. Twitter Following Becoming someones follower on Twitter accomplishes four goals: You identify Twitter accounts that will be relevant and interesting to you, your organization and your industry. You let people know that youre on Twitter, and encourage them to follow you back. Twitter is a great platform for engagement, so once you follow someone on Twitter you can work on starting a conversation. Guidelines for Following Find people to follow by importing your contact databases using tools that Twitter provides. Be sure to also follow people that your competitors are following. Do a search for experts in the field who are tweeting. If possible, try to make sure to follow back relevant people and companies that are following you. You dont want to upset scenario, customers or partners by not following them! Twitter provides easy search functionality so that you can find people that are talking about your company and your industry. Read the tweets of those you follow and search for tweets on keywords relevant to your product or service. Create lists. By creating a list you can easily segment people who you are following. Strategy to Make Your Tweets Engaging and Easy for a Follower to Retweet: Always use a URL shortened. You only have 140 characters, so make it count! Keep tweets below 140 characters, ideally under 100 characters. It makes retweeting easier to do. The symbol # on Twitter is known as a hash tag. These tags are used to affiliate a tweet with a certain topic and can be useful for tracking social marketing campaigns and connecting with customers. Avoid the temptation to use tools that send automatic direct messages. You can also engage Twitter followers and influencers by including @ mention in your tweets. You can do this when you post content you think will resonate with an influencer. Use Twitter lists to segment users by interest or group together brand advocates and your favorite twitter users. Keep in mind that when you add a user to a public list they are notified and the list is open and searchable to all users. Use Twitter during events and to promote things like contests. A great way to engage your Twitter followers is to create a contest that asks followers to contribute in some way you want your Twitter feed to be a mix of Tweets youve created, as well as replies and retweets. Promoted Tweets in Search Always see significant spikes in relevant Tweets during industry events. You decided to take advantage of that and use Promoted Tweets in search results during key B2B conference dates. This allowed us to be part of relevant conversations when the conversations are hot. Influencer Marketing on Twitter Twitter is a fantastic platform to learn who your influencers are. Because Twitter is designed for quick exchanges of information and shares, you can start to keep track of who is re-tweeting your content and engaging in conversations. Remember to reach out to your top sharers to create relationships. The more you engage directly with your top influencers, the more they will continue to promote your content. Promoted Tweets in Timelines A Twitter strategy we have used with great success is launching Promoted Tweets in timelines targeted to followers and users who are similar to our followers. Our Promoted Tweets contain timely and engaging content like contests for trips to industry events and links to thought-leadership pieces. We set up a series of three tweets per campaign and rotate them accordingly. For timelines, we run three tweets on one campaign for three days at a time Messaging To some, this may sound backwards or surprising, but do not use Twitter to only promote your company. Sure, calling out your companys new eBook or webcast is an important part of your tweeting. But if you never contribute to the conversations taking place, if you never offer something personal or fun or funny, you are missing the prime opportunity unique to Twitter. Twitter is about building relationships. Engage and be engaged. Remember, your content should create value and ultimately, be helpful to your network. In B2B marketing, retweeting material that will be helpful to your network is good, but writing your own informational material is even better. SOCIAL MARKETER Google+ Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any businesses social media strategy. Google+ had over 90 million users, this social network is going to grow very quickly as Google is making a Google+ account mandatory for all Gmail users. Google + is also playing a major role in SEO by making it easier for marketers to show up in search results. About Page An essential but often overlooked important first step, the about page is a fantastic opportunity to give a quick overview of what your business is all about. You can also link back to specific pages and services from this page directing potential customers to the most important pages on your website. Its important to have a balance of marketing savvy copy thats also SEO friendly. Make sure to include information that searchers will want to know about your company. Take advantage of the fact that Google+ allows you to use bullets in your description which makes it simple to create an easy-to-read list of your products and services. Google+ Events Google recently announced the Events feature which allows Google+ users to send out customized invitations to anyone regardless of whether or not they are Google+ users. It syncs beautifully with Google Calendar and shows up automatically when a user confirms for an event. The Party mode feature of Events allows everyone in attendance to instantly upload pictures to the same album using the Google+ mobile app, creating a living, real-time photo journal of a specific time and place. You can then show the photos off in sequential order as a slideshow all within Google+. Google+ Circles This functionality allows a marketer to segment their followers. Unlike other social networks, through Circles, marketers can develop audienc and communicate highly segmented messaging to each audience. This allows you to have a more authentic dialogue with your key prospects. Google+ Hangouts Use Google+ Hangouts for video conferencing. Again, the beauty here is that it is highly integrated with other Google applications. So, if you use Google apps for your business, Hangouts can be a quick and easy way to connect teams and get some face time with a prospect. The Business Benefits for Setting Up Google+ Authorship: Increases awareness of your overall Google+ profile page. Studies have shown that Google Authorship increases click through rates. Helps your content stand out from the crowded search page results. Adds a human element to your content and increases trustworthiness. Improves your chances of showing up in more personalized search results. Protects the original posts ranking position as higher than a post that has scraped or syndicated the original content.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Web Page Analysis Essay -- Web Design Analysis Essays Papers

Web Page Analysis While browsing the enormous variety of sites and home pages on the World Wide Web, it is difficult to compare and contrast items that do not have anything in common. How can we say the "Wall Street Journal page" is better than "Joe's Page of Craziness?" Therefore the first step in critiquing web pages is by determining their purpose. The goal of a web page can vary from presenting factual information such as the "CIA Page," or displaying one's own computer generated art. Hence, the only way to judge a page is by examining what it tries to accomplish, and how it achieves its goal. Once the objective of the page is established, three simple criteria can be used to determine its "net worth" (pun not intended...hehehe). First of all, one must ask "Does it complete its goal?" Does it present the information about SPAM accurately, or does it successfully present original artworks? Second, "How effective is its presentation?" This criteria can be divided into two parts first, how well written the textual parts describe the subject, and second, how the graphical parts are used to support the topic. The main areas of graphical representation would be the use of a background, the use of color to emphasize important points, and the use of images to decorate and support the main topic. A good web page should include background on the author and descriptions of the purpose. In addition, the page should be organized in a logical manner in which anyone would be able to find their information quickly and easily. Finally, one must determine how much effort and time was invest ed in developing the page. Obviously, a UT student's home page can not compare in complexity or size to the "Silicon Graphics page." Thus, by estimat... qualifies as a good site due to its success at accomplishing its objective, and the great amount of work done in shaping his web site. However, with the exception of the title headers, the site is visually unappealing. With a little work, and a little artistic talent, the graphics could be used more functionally in supporting his key ideas and links. In general, the site is above average, but has potential to rank among the top web sites on the net. Works Cited Alfred Hitchcock - The Master of Suspense --> This site describes the work, background, and trivial information about Alfred Hitchcock. The graphics are deficient, but the information was interesting. There are many pages dealing with the movies he's made, and many pages dealing with fun trivia, such as cameo or famous quotes.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock :: Film Movie Movies Directors Essays

Alfred Hitchcock is among the few directors to combine a strong reputation for high-art film-making with great audience popularity. Throughout his career he gave his audiences more pleasure than could be asked for. The consistency of quality plot-lines and technical ingenuity earned him the recognition of being one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. His films earned him the reputation of being the "master of suspense", and after viewing two of his more popular films, Psycho and The Birds, it is evident why. There is a distinction between surprise, which lasts only a few seconds, and suspense which captivates one's attention the entire length of a film. This is something that Hitchcock realized early on, and applied into his movies. He is one of the few directors whose name on a marquee is as important, if not more so, than any actor who appears in the film itself. Both his style of directing, and that of the movies that he has directed are very unique, making him stand out in the film industry. He pioneered the art of cinematography and special effects, which along with his cameos, are what he is most often associated with. Hitchcock led a long and prosperous life in the movie industry, starting as a teenager and making movies up until his death in 1980, while working on the 54th of his career (Sterrit 3). Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1889 in London, England. As a child his parents were very strict with him and they imposed severe and unusual punishments upon him, as what they considered to be discipline. One of these incidents scarred him for life. As punishment for arriving home late one night, young Alfred's father had a policeman friend lock the boy up in a cell for five minutes, "in order to teach him where naughty little boys who come home after 9 o'clock would eventually end up." (Phillips 27). Throughout his career he used the innocent man being arrested and imprisoned in his films, and claimed that forever after he had a fear of the police (Spoto 16). Fear was also a big part of his childhood, which later was evident in many of his movies. "Fear? It has influenced my life and my career." (18) explains Hitchcock, he also had a fear of being alone and of darkness which once again appeared in many of his movies. "...fear you see is an emotion that people like to feel when they know they are safe." (39).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Louis MacNiece: anomalous displacement and post-colonial identity :: Essays Papers

Louis MacNiece: anomalous displacement and post-colonial identity I was the rector’s son, born to the anglican order, Banned forever from the candles of the Irish poor (â€Å"Carrickfergus†) Ireland inhabits a unique position within the current framework of post-colonial literature and theory. The history of Ireland and it’s relationship to England, from the twelfth century (when Henry II was decreed feudal lord of Ireland by the Pope) to the present day, is the history of a divided colonial nation synonymous with ideas of displacement, identity and culture. Indeed, Ireland may be understood as both colonial and post-colonial, sitting uncomfortably on the fence between labels of post-colonial discourse such as first and third world. Stephen Slemon’s evocative essay, â€Å"Unsettling the Empire: Resistance Theory for the Second World†, suggests the notion of a ‘second world’, or a semi-periphery in post-colonial theory, as a method of transcending myopic binarisms (104 - 110). Slemon argues that the critical and theoretical space created by the alternative of a second world accommodates the difficult examples of the post-colonial, white, settler cultures of Australia, New Zealand, southern Africa and Canada. Ireland, with regard to both the historical experience and to Irish cultural expression and production, is a further country which may be fruitfully situated in this space. The requirement of a ‘second world’ in post-colonial theory becomes glaringly obvious in a consideration of Ireland. As Liam Kennedy concludes, in a comparative analysis of Ireland to Asian and African post-colonial nations on economic grounds, â€Å"attempting to place Ireland in a Third World perspective turned out to be a largely empty enterprise† (Modern Ireland 114). The attempt to propose Ireland as a Third World nation has been common amongst various scholars. For example, in a Field Day pamphlet, Frederic Jameson claims the Dublin of Joyce’s fiction to be â€Å"an underdeveloped village† (Kennedy 107). Kennedy’s study clearly emphasises the fact that Ireland is economically a member of the First World, comparable to Western European countries as opposed to those of the developing world. Ireland’s Gross Domestic Product per head of population in 1913 was valued at US$655 compared to the 1960 figures of US$198 for Ghana and US$74 for India (Kennedy 110). To take a more contemporary view, the World Bank’s World Development Report 1991 shows that in 1989 Ireland was not a member of the Third World. The report, drawing on accepted measurements of wealth and social conditions such as GNP, diet, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, reliance on agriculture and illiteracy, demonstrates the incongruous nature of claiming a Third World status for Ireland.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Compulsory Education Essay

There are many forms of research for compulsory education. When I started to dig for Information, I was quite amazed in how far back it actually goes. It may have been a little different then, but the concept behind it were and still are the same. With that, you will see multiple questions that need to be answered. What function does compulsory education serve in the United States, what are the advantages and disadvantages to compulsory education, and how can we make school better for today’s young learners? Compulsory education is the attendance required by all students. In reading, michaeladuffy’s research, I understand what he is trying to say in more clarity. How does it affect our children? He states, â€Å"As I continue to ask questions about why we have CE in the United States the answer most often I receive is that it increases literacy. † He brings us back by saying, â€Å"I am often told of the condition of the youth in the eighteenth century where children ran rampant in the streets and committed all sorts of crimes and vandalism. † Is it at this time we started to think about the youth’s education? During those times of hardship they still managed to keep a literacy rate of ninety percent. Through hard work and learning, at the same time, they managed to raise the rate to ninety-eight percent by 1852. By upping the literacy rate, in the United States, we see a great improvement in our children. â€Å"In fact the high literacy rate one hundred years before compulsory education was primarily due to the focus of Bible reading that spread throughout Europe and the new world. Perhaps it was a Biblical interest that accounted for black literacy in the south which was around eighty percent before CE came into effect† (Zhang 29). Michaeladuffy also points out that there are troubling times in our schools to the extent of dropouts and absenteeism. By reading his one paragraph on, â€Å"why children would miss class† (par 4) he lists five reasons they would. It ranges from being an obese child all the way to having poor eyes sight and not wanting to ask question for the fear of being teased. I can see why this is. Children these days will drop out if they are not treated correct. When kids are picked on their insecurity level falls at an all time low. The only option they have left is to not go to school and live with themselves. During my research the answer was never there. It is ones interpretation of the compulsory education and how it serves in the United States. In the early years of a child they continue to have more of independence for learning to develop each of their demands. Decades ago children opted not go to school, but instead work with their families and that is how they survived on such a low income. Compulsory education levels that bar for the unfortunate families who cannot afford it. With compulsory education more people have access to education, now whether they choose to use it is up to them. The one main disadvantage, I think every one might agree with me, is that the government dictates the age for the grade and what the kids are suppose to be doing. In other words they are forced into it. Are children ready for the grade they are in or going to be in? No, they’re probably not. Not one child is the same in learning. In order for our children to be ready for society interaction, activities are needed. How can we make school better for today’s young learners? Children’s intellectual growth, in their early years, are constantly growing. Learning new things everyday whether in school or in the social environment. They are more aware of the world they live in through the use of technology. Technology, for children these days, is one of the most important learning tools we have. The child’s learning ability is acquired through countless ways. Some examples may include, but not limited to are; questioning techniques, investigating and interaction with one another. Children are creative and have an eagerness to learn. Emphasizing on their curiosity, their creativeness shows by the use of technology. Providing them with opportunities to use their creative nature we can see a vast improvement in problem solving and thinking of solutions to problems based on their age. Having that teacher to student interaction will vastly help them in the social skills they need to better acquaint themselves with the world they will soon be leaving to. Not one child is alike. By finding what works, the child can receive the proper curriculum. Paul Goodman proposes two countermeasures in this situation. They are good ones at that, but with that said one particular really stuck out amongst the other. By abolishing grading and strictly going on the fact of the teachers knowledge and know how, I believe we can see a great improvement in students’ knowledge. It’s because of the grading criteria, we struggle in some subjects. If we drop the grading and base it on experience of life and work, there will be more students eager to learn and striving for that education. Just picture yourself taking a test, you studied day and night for it, but yet you still failed it. Now picture yourself taking the same test with life experience and work experience, it comes to you a little easier. Knowing that the grade you were going to get is not there lingering on your mind. Who do think is going to feel better about themselves after the test is done? Because of the grading system our fear of failing has kicked in. It shows that in life experience over a degree can be beneficial in some areas of expertise. With that being said, I do agree with the two year of maturing before entering school. You never know what experience you will receive in the world. In concluding my research of what functions does compulsory education have in the United States, we see that it is a tricky question. It does have a purpose but its purpose is still unclear to some, including me. We see the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of compulsory education. There are many things we can do to help our young ones to enjoy schooling. From the time of the eighteenth century, we have been striving to educate the younger children and make learning enjoyable. Hartman 5 References: * michaeladuffy. wordpress. com/2012/07/02 Date of access Aug 20 2012 * bestvolunteer. org †º More News †º Other News Date of access Aug 20 2012 * https://www. det. nsw. edu. au/†¦ /Our_young_learners Date of access Aug 20 2012 * http://voices. yahoo. com/our-fundamental-future-eliminating-compulsory-education-5570. html Date of access 22 Aug 2012 8:47pm * Does School Time Matter? –On the Impact of Compulsory Education Age on School Dropout Cabus, Sofie J. ; De Witte, Kristof Economics of Education Review, v30 n6 p1384-1398 Dec 2011. 15 pp. ISSN: 0272-7757 Date of access 22 Aug 2012.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Different Type of Programming Language Essay

1. Charles Babbage Charles Babbage, FRS (26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered a â€Å"father of the computer†, Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs. Parts of his uncompleted mechanisms are on display in the London Science Museum. In 1991, a perfectly functioning difference engine was constructed from Babbage’s original plans. Built to tolerances achievable in the 19th century, the success of the finished engine indicated that Babbage’s machine would have worked. Nine years later, the Science Museum completed the printer Babbage had designed for the difference engine. 2. Ali Aydar Ali Aydar is a computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur. He is currently the chief executive officer at Sporcle. He is best known as an early employee and key technical contributor at the original Napster, the file-sharing service created by Shawn Fanning in 1999, and atSNOCAP, the digital rights and content management startup Fanning founded after Napster. He was also chief operating officer of imeem, which acquired SNOCAP in 2008. Aydar’s experiences working at Napster were documented in two books: Joseph Menn’s definitive Napster biography, All the Rave: The Rise and Fall of Shawn Fanning’s Napster, and Steve Knopper’s Appetite for Self Destruction: The Spectacular Crash of the Record Industry in the Digital Age. 3. Edwin Earl Catmull Edwin Earl Catmull, Ph.D. (born March 31, 1945) is a computer scientist and  current president of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios. As a computer scientist, Catmull has contributed to many important developments in computer graphics. Edwin Earl Catmull was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Early in life, Catmull found inspiration in Disney movies such as Peter Pan and Pinocchio and dreamed of becoming a feature film animator. He even made primitive animation using so-called flip-books. However, he assessed his chances realistically and decided that his talents lay elsewhere. Instead of pursuing a career in the movie industry, he used his talent in math and studied physics and computer science at the University of Utah. After graduating, he worked as a computer programmer at The Boeing Company in Seattle for a short period of time and also at the New York Institute of Technology, before returning to Utah to go to graduate school in fall of 1970. 4. Joyce K. Reynolds Joyce K. Reynolds is a computer scientist.  Reynolds holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Southern California, United States. She has been active in the development of the protocols underlying the Internet. In particular, she has authored or co-authored many RFCs, most notably those introducing and specifying the Telnet, FTP, and POP protocols. Joyce Reynolds served as part of the editorial team of the Request For Comments series from 1987 to 2006, and also performed the IANA function with Jon Postel until this was transferred to ICANN, and worked with ICANN in this role until 2001, while remaining an employee of ISI. As Area Director of the User Services area, she was a member of the Internet Engineering Steering Group of the IETF from 1990 to March 1998 Together with Bob Braden, she received the 2006 Postel Award in recognition of her services to the Internet. She is mentioned, along with a brief biography, in RFC 1336, Who’s Who in the Internet(1992). 5. Willem Van Der Poel Willem Louis van der Poel (2 December 1926, The Hague) is a pioneering Dutch computer scientist, who is known for designing the ZEBRA computer. In 1950 he obtained an engineering degree in applied science at Delft University of Technology. In 1956 he obtained his PhD degree from the University of Amsterdam. The title of his PhD thesis was The  Logical Principles of Some Simple Computers. From 1950 until 1967 he worked for the Dutch PTT, and from 1962 till 1988 was (part time) professor at Delft University of Technology. He was also the first chairman of IFIP Working Group 2.1 on ALGOL, from 1962 to 1968. Van der Poel is primarily known as a Dutch computer pioneer, designer of Testudo, the PTERA, the ZERO, and the ZEBRA computer. He also contributed to Algol 68 and LISP for the ZEBRA. He is said to be the originator of the Zero One Infinity rule, which suggests that software designs should not impose arbitrary limits on the number of instances of a particular entity: if more than a single instance of it is to be allowed, then the collection size should be without fixed limit. 6. Max Overmars Markus Hendrik Overmars (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmÉ‘rk ˈÉ ¦Ã‰â€ºn.drÉ ªk ˈoË .vÉ™r.ËÅ'mÉ‘rs], born 29 September 1958 in Zeist, Netherlands)[1] is a Dutch computer scientist and teacher of game programming known for his game development application Game Maker. Game Maker lets people create computer games using a drag-and-drop interface. He is the head of the Center for Geometry, Imaging, and Virtual Environments at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. This research center concentrates on computational geometry and its application in areas like computer graphics, robotics, geographic information systems, imaging, multimedia, virtual environments, and games. 7. Thomas Eugene Kurtz Thomas Eugene Kurtz (born February 22, 1928) is an American computer scientist who co-developed the BASIC programming language during 1963 to 1964, together with John G. Kemeny. In 1951, Dr. Kurtz’s first experience with computing came at the Summer Session of the Institute for Numerical Analysis at University of California, Los Angeles. His interests have included numerical analysis,statistics, and computer science ever since. Dr. Kurtz graduated from Knox College in 1950, and was awarded a Ph.D. degree from Princeton University in 1956, where his advisor was John Tukey, and joined the Mathematics Department of Dartmouth College that same year. In 1963 to 1964, Dr. Kurtz and Kemeny developed the first version of the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System, a time-sharing system for university use,  and the BASIC language. From 1966 to 1975, Dr. Kurtz served as Director of the Kiewit Computation Center at Dartmouth, and from 1975 to 1978, Director of the Office of Academic Computing. From 1980 to 1988 Dr. Kurtz was Director of the Computer and Information Systems program at Dartmouth, a ground-breaking multidisciplinary graduate program to develop IS leaders for industry. Subsequently, Dr. Kurtz returned to teaching full-time as a Professor of Mathematics, with an emphasis on statistics and computer science. 8. Andrew Ng Andrew Ng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, and Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab. He is also a co-founder of Coursera, an online education platform. His work is primarily in machine learning and robotics. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. His early work includes the Stanford Autonomous Helicopter project, which developed one of the most capable autonomous helicopters in the world, and the STAIR (STanford Artificial Intelligence Robot) project, which resulted in ROS, a widely used open-source robotics software platform. 9. Simon Colton Simon Colton (London, 1973) is a British computer scientist, currently working in the Computational Creativity Group at Imperial College London, where he holds the position of Reader. He graduated from the University of Durham with a degree in Mathematics, gained a MSc. in Pure Mathematics at the University of Liverpool, and finally a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Professor Alan Bundy. Simon is the driving force behind, an artificial intelligence that he hopes will one day be accepted as an artist in its own right. His work, along with that of Maja Pantic and Michel Valstar, won the British Computing Society Machine Intelligence Award in 2007. The work has also been the subject of some media attention. Prior to his work on The Painting Fool, Simon worked on the HR tool, a reasoning tool that was applied to discover mathematical concepts. The system successfully discovered theorems and conjectures, some of which were novel enough to become published works. 10. David E. Shaw David Elliot Shaw (born March 29, 1951) is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fundcompany which was once described by Fortune magazine as â€Å"the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street.† A former faculty member in the computer science department at Columbia University, Shaw made his fortune exploiting inefficiencies in financial markets with the help of state-of-the-art high speed computer networks. In 1996, Fortune magazine referred to him as â€Å"King Quant† because of his firm’s pioneering role in high-speed quantitative trading. In 2001, Shaw turned to full-time scientific research in computational biochemistry, more specifically molecular dynamics simulations of proteins. Different Types of Web Programming Languages Used for creating and editing pages on the web. Can do anything from putting plain text on a webpage, to accessing and retrieving data from a database. Vary greatly in terms of power and complexity. * HTML Hyper Text Markup Language. The core language of the world wide web that is used to define the structure and layout of web pages by using various tags and attributes. Although a fundamental language of the web, HTML is static – content created with it does not change. HTML is used to specify the content a webpage will contain, not how the page functions. Learn HTML at our HTML tutorials section. * XML Extensible Markup Language. A language developed by the W3C which works like HTML, but unlike HTML, allows for custom tags that are defined by programmers. XML allows for the transmission of data between applications and organizations through the use of its custom tags. * Javascript A language developed by Netscape used to provide dynamic and interactive content on webpages. With Javascript it is possible to communicate with HTML, create animations, create calculators, validate forms, and more. Javascript is often confused with Java, but they are two different languages. Learn Javascript at our Javascript tutorials section. * VBScript Visual Basic Scripting Edition. A language developed by Microsoft that works only in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser and web browsers based on the Internet Explorer engine such as FlashPeak’s Slim Browser. VBScript Can be used to print dates, make calculations, interact with the user, and more. VBScript is based on Visual Basic, but it is much simpler. Learn VBScript at our VBScript tutorials section. * PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (it’s a recursive acronym). A powerful language used for many tasks such as data encryption, database access, and form validation. PHP was originally created in 1994 By Rasmus Lerdorf. Learn PHP at our PHP tutorials section. * Java A powerful and flexible language created by Sun MicroSystems that can be used to create applets (a program that is executed from within another program) that run inside webpages as well as software applications. Things you can do with Java include interacting with the user, creating graphical programs, reading from files, and more. Java is often confused with Javascript, but they are two different languages. Learn Java at our Java tutorials section.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Hard Day’s Night- A Study in Fame, Paranoia, and Claustrophobia

Who among us has not heard of the Beatles, or know of their influence in everyday society. Their music fills elevators around the world, there have been thousands of books and movies recorded detailing every event of their personal and professional lives, and who can’t resist singing alone, if only under our breath, when ever we hear these classic songs.To watch the movie A Hard Day’s Night, starring the Beatles, created at the height of their popularity, your first thought is this is a movie to promote the Beatles and display their music.They are grown men, running around, having fun in the midst of a hectic lifestyle that very successful performers live. They seemingly don’t have a care in the world, but just need to show up and start playing their music on time, with much enthusiasm, while their manager, George Martin, does all the worrying for them.While the movie is entertaining, and has some great, full length versions of classic Beatles music, the underlyi ng theme is that of 4 grown men, dealing with the constraints and frustrations of enormous fame and popularity.They are not allowed to roam free about the city, or on the train they are riding, for fear of being overrun with groupies. Instead they are subject to do what George Martin tells them to do, because after all he is their ‘manager’, as if 4 grown men need someone to manage their personal lives as well as their professional.Their fame is so overwhelming, it often times disarms people who run into them unknowingly. When John Lennon meets a woman on the train who is taken back because she knows â€Å"it’s him†, he repeatedly denies it, and says he just looks like him. They start a conversation about how John is not really the persona of John Lennon the Beatle, but at that point in time he is John Lennon the private person, who wants to get to know the woman he just met, the woman, is insisting that she is right and knows John Lennon when she sees him .After a few exchanges, John convinces her that he just looks like John the Beatle, she ends up confessing, â€Å"You don’t really look like him at all.† Once she concludes that, she is not interested in him anymore.This is the prominent theme that is presented concerning their fame. Once recognized, people don’t really like them at all. At that time, they were criticized for having long hair, for wearing funny clothes, being brash and generally rebelling against society in general. It is mild to us today, but at that time they were radicals.This theme is seen again as Ringo is walking down the street. At first he is recognized and runs away from a young, female fan. When he steps out of a costume shop wearing a disguise, he speaks to the same woman who now tells him to â€Å"get lost.†One of the drawbacks of their fame is that because their personal life is examined so closely, and their inner most thoughts and feelings are put to music, arousing the sam e strong feelings in others, somehow total strangers feel as though they can walk up to them and act like they know everything about each one, right away.This causes a great sense of unsettled discomfort in the lives of the Beatles. They are desperately trying throughout the whole movie to be understood and accepted for just who they are.At the time of this movies release, in 1964, there were many big social changes going on around the world. Music before the Beatles, with the exception of Elvis Presley, was primarily either a solo singer, or a 3 piece band playing conservative music, that was well choreographed.When the Beatles came on stage, all of a sudden there were 4 instruments creating a loud, driving beat, with lyrics that spoke of love and desire, unlike anything that was ever heard before in mainstream America. Their entrance into this country is often times referred to as the ‘Beatles Explosion’.John Lennon himself stated that they were more popular the Jesus Christ at that time. The statement itself stirred up even more fame, and more attention- be it good or bad- adding fuel to the fire. It seemed as though their every move was documented, imitated, and capitalized on any way possible.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dementia Essay

I work in a mix residential home for the elderly, some of the clients, Dementia range from mild to severe. The clients are raised in a very different way to how I was raised and it is important that I must remember this and respect their this as we all have personal beliefs and preferences based on our background and upbringing. I have been brought as a Muslim where religious education was compulsory, however we still studied various other religions and were taught to respect all people and there beliefs. Prayers were a daily thing at the end of each assembly and whether or not I wanted to pat attention to the prayer time again I had to respect the people that did. Religion may affect people in many different ways, mainly because we all come from different backgrounds and are taught differently. However, it is important to respect how people honor their religion. I am an atheist however I still make time to talk to my clients about their religion even though my own beliefs it is not some thing that I choose to do as I know it makes the client happy it makes me happy to do this as I know it is some thing that they feel so strongly in and it is amazing at how much I really now look forward talking about it. It is part and parcel of the work that I do and part of showing the clients that we care about what makes them happy and respect their beliefs even if ours are different. It is important to remember that my own personal preferences are different to others and I can’t expect others to think, act and feel the same way as I do. For example I like to shower daily and some times twice daily, some of my clients do not like water and some really do not like showers or baths I have to respect there decision if they prefer not to have one and explain if possible that it is in, religion to smell nice and clean if they ignore this is in religion only but what they have to understand its nature to try and stay clean.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ealth care process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ealth care process - Essay Example By reviewing the steps and their sequence as to who performs each step, and how efficiently the process works, an organization can often visualize opportunities for improvement. The process mapping tool may also be used to evaluate or redesign a current process. Additional information, including tools and resources to assist an organization that wants to adopt process mapping as an improvement strategy, can be found in the Redesigning a System of Care to Promote QI module. Specific steps are required to deliver optimal health care services. When these steps are tied to pertinent clinical guidelines, then optimal outcomes are achieved. These essential steps are referred to as the critical (or clinical) pathway. The critical pathway steps can be mapped as described above. By mapping the current critical pathway for a particular service, an organization gains a better understanding of what and how care is provided. When an organization compares its map to one that shows optimal care for a service that is congruent with evidence-based guidelines, it sees other opportunities to provide or improve delivered care. In this module, improvement strategies are presented based on what has worked for other health care organizations. Changes are applied throughout an existing critical pathway so it works more effectively. QI strives to enable an organization to achieve the ideal critical pathway, which is one that allows the care team and patient to interact productively and efficiently to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The IVF technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The IVF technology - Essay Example The company’s objective is as transparent as possible to the public since they depend on the community an enormous extent. The unique product of the IVF industry is coupled, at least in Australia, with a unique sense of entitlement. Consequently, Australia is the only country in the world providing unrestricted public funding for IVF through its national health scheme. There is no limit to the number of cycles that women can have and no legal age limit. (Sweden and Britain provide three on the national health and they have to be before age 39. In New Zealand women get two free cycles in a lifetime and in Canada until recently you didn't get any on the national health)The Australian (2012). According to Human Embryo Research Panel, much of the IVF research has been directed by clinicians who lack experience in basic research and development biology. In addition, the commercialization of reproductive technologies has resulted in the establishment of profitable enterprises, including sperm banks, IVF centers, and fertility clinics. The issues pertaining to embryo manipulation involve social values and moral judgements, but as the business interests of IVF are to ensure that viable eggs can be effectively implanted into a woman’s uterus at acceptable cost, commercialization of embryos increases the prospect that there will be no uniformity in the way ethical values and judgements will be interpreted and implemented Krimsky and Hubbard (1995). Professor Paul Komesaroff, director of the Monash Centre for Ethics in Medicine and Society, says the issue of embryo donation is a vexed one. "There are different opinions about when the embryo acquires special religious, spiritual or ethical significance," he says. "Some people say its at the moment of fertilization, others say its at the moment of conception, others say at the 16-cell stage, some say its much later."(Labi, 2012). In the case of Sydney IVF â€Å"The membership of the ethics committee signiï ¬ cantly exceeds the constitutional requirements set by the Australian Government's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in its National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans† Sydney IVF Stem Cells (2011).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Criminal Case Proceedings; Russia vs United States Essay

Criminal Case Proceedings; Russia vs United States - Essay Example Interestingly, it only deals with constitutionality cases, interpreting the constitution and determining the legal aspect of proceedings regarding presidential impeachment. The court is limited to matters of constitutional law, and its ruling is final (Smith, 2006). Ruling from the court cannot change in any other court. Its facts are based on the Russian constitution and the international law; hence allowing it to implement democratic processes that are recognized globally. Arbitrazh courts were regulated by the Federal Constitution Law of 1995. They are mandated with the settling of both the Russian and foreign disputes relating to the property and other economic assets. In addition, they handle disputes arising between companies and legislation of corporations. They are divided into two; the first tier handles first-time cases while the second tier considers appeals of the first case decisions. Judicial courts are under the umbrella of the Federal Constitution Law of 1996. They are mandated to settle a number of disputes including all criminal cases and family issues. Judicial courts are divided into categories like military courts and the Supreme Court, which overlooks the rulings of other lower courts. Supreme Court also clarifies laws on the proceedings of the court (Smith, 2006). United States judicial system is divided into federal level and state level courts. Above the two courts is the Supreme Court. Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction. In addition, the Supreme Court is mandated with final interpretation of the United States Constitution. Federal and state courts handle first-time cases (Stacy, 2013). At state level, there are District County courts and State courts of Appeals. The Supreme Court was formed in 1790. Judicially, it is the highest and final arbiter of law in the United States and protects the constitution. It has the powers to overturn presidential decisions if they contradict

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Life of the silk road ( Tang Dynasty) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life of the silk road ( Tang Dynasty) - Essay Example Consequently, prompting some women start having male concubines, which during then were acceptable and even right. Since, this trend was evident from the empress to the simple in the society, though the latter due to their husbands’ dominion complied with their unions’ precepts. Political arena also included the female gender where in most cases men exhibited approval besides other numerous fields, which even to date men deem they are not womanly (Ya-chen 77). Gender issue in the Tang Dynasty had a liberal stand due to women’s freedom, which this study seeks to expound (Ya-chen 75). The entire society besides accepting the idea of divorce, it also allowed the widows to continue with their sexual life (Ya-chen 75). Hence, an implication that men’s control by then did not have strict rules (Ya-chen 75). This is because women had the courage to request for the termination of their marriages and even remarry, a factor, which the emperor supported. Hence, †Å"four daughters of the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty married twice, and six daughters of the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty married twice† (Ya-chen 75). This exhibited a liberated society whereby both genders despite having their distinct roles, love to them meant a quest for happiness and satisfaction. This is because of the women’s decline to be recipients of exploitative actions especially from their spouses thus; they had the freedom to define themselves besides deciding whom to cohabit (Ya-chen 75). In addition, the two genders in the kingdom where able to assume similar roles especially in the political arena (Ya-chen 77). This was contrary to the bordering dynasties, whereby they devalued the status of a female gender to extend of not having any say regarding the running of their states. Conversely, Tang Dynasty exercised equality especially in the political arena whereby women who exhibited distinguished character became government officers (Ya-chen 77) . Besides, these women had the power to decide or even plan about their destinies and what they intended to attain without consulting their husbands, for instance, during Wu Zetian’s reign (Ya-chen 77). This is evident from the then period’s women scholars, for illustration, Song Ruochao who was a female xushi and Yu Xuanji (poet) (Ya-chen 77). Studies contend, â€Å"Tang Dynasty is often depicted as a golden age for Chinese women, a period of relative autonomy and power prior to their subjugation under the Neo-Confucianism of the Song Dynasty †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lewis 179). Since, its trend entailed excessive interaction of both men and women where the latter who emanated from an affluent background some kept male concubines (Ya-chen 76). This was after women market had shifted from the streets to their households, a trend that was common with divorcees and widows (Lewis 179). However, this freedom yielded to the degrading of the female gender, which later the Buddhism r efuted sharply besides emphasizing on widows’ chastity. Because, the former dynasty’s liberty encompassed morals’ degradation coupled with women especially the courtesans sometimes silencing their men while arguing. This is because besides being arrogant, they were also proficient in martial arts; hence, their male counterparts did not dare to challenge them in the public (Ya-chen 77). However, some of the poor courtesans severely suffered especially those who sought

Monday, September 9, 2019

English Comp.- Adapting a Writing Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English Comp.- Adapting a Writing Style - Essay Example Rather than referring to the Kinetic Theory of Matter, it would be more useful to say that all matter is made up of very small particles and their make-up and energy determines whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas. In addition, highly technical vocabulary, jargon, and buzzwords need to be eliminated and replaced by more generally understood terms. For example, instead of referring to the C level employees (CEO, CFO), it would be more informative to refer to them as executives. These simple modifications pave the way for an easily understood article. Writing is also a process where we try to inform by creating a written connect the dots article. Specialists, with a large body of knowledge, may be able to make inferences and connections that are not available to the general audience. Paragraphs need to be carefully constructed with a logical flow that can easily be followed. Paragraphs should have a transition to let the audience know when the topic is shifting and the direction that it is taking. Statements must be constructed that offer enough explanation without becoming so complex that the reader gets lost. This usually involves shorter statements that are supported with short explanations. This helps guide the reader through the complexities of the material. The complexities of the technical information can also be presented by the use of metaphors and similes. Instead of telling your audience that the new cable modem has a bandwidth of 30 mega bits per second, it would be more picturesque to say that the modem transfers 2,000 pages of written text per second or as many as six complete novels. While few readers will understand Mbps, everyone knows how big a novel is. The audience is not interested in the technical specifications; they are simply looking for comparisons to the things they know. In conclusion, adapting a technical article for a general audience is really just a matter of putting it into plain English.

The Benefits and Challenges of Working Virtually Essay

The Benefits and Challenges of Working Virtually - Essay Example The paper "The Benefits and Challenges of Working Virtually" talks about the continued growth of the virtual workforce, there are challenges that both managers and employees may encounter. The popularity of the virtual workforce like the teleworker has grown at a significant rate, since the turn of the 21st century. The 1990 Clean Air Act and 1996 amendment brought awareness to reducing carbon dioxide and pollution and conserving fuel. The Teleworker Exchange Act of 2007 was signed into law. It states that a telework policy must be established by each federal executive agency to have 100% of the eligible federal workforce by 2005. A survey conducted by Crook of International Data Corporation (IDC) â€Å"on mobile enterprise claims that by 2015, more than one billion workers across the globe will be working remotely or as virtual workforce†. A virtual workforce is also known as a global workforce, distributed team, virtual employee or team, or geographically dispersed team. The term virtual workforce refers to geographically dispersed employees within a single organization, business unit or directorate; relying exclusively on information and communication technologies to communicate. These virtual employees are made up of individuals or groups of employees or subcontracts who function as a team on common projects around the global and across space and time. Time, distance, and advances in technology and communications has brought a change to the traditional employer and employee relationship.... Such changes include workplace environment, employees’, employers’, and culture. The global workforce, employee workplace flexibility, life balance, and the virtual work environment; an employee’s expectation, motivation, and working relationship are different (Hoefling, 2003, p.131). With the continued growth of the virtual workforce, there are challenges that both managers and employees may encounter. According to Werner, Schuler, & Jackson (2012) the benefits of a virtual workforce are significant; although not without challenges. Managers may find it increasingly difficult to keep virtual employees motivated, and employees may find it additionally difficult to stay motivated while working in an isolated and detached virtual environment (p. 57). Professional isolation concerns reflect the possibility that the virtual environment can change an employee’s opportunities for participation in traditional office interaction, such as physically attending meeti ng, face to face contact like chatting around the water cooler or coffee area or taking smoke breaks and walks (Cooper & Kurland, 2002, p. 512). Some employees enjoy and thrive in environments where they can interact with others employees. The virtual workforce is unique in that these employees are not like the traditional office employees, they live and work all around the world, and therefore time and space becomes their norm.According to (Lojeski& Reilly, 2010) â€Å"leaders know that to successful build critical mass among employees who are worlds apart geographically, culturally, and even spiritually, engendering healthy communities is key† (p.58). According to Hoefling (2003) â€Å"a company today